Monday, August 28, 2006

Air-capable destroyer

The image above is from the page 101 of D. K. Brown's Rebuilding the Royal Navy - warship design since 1945. For some unknown reason British designers toyed with the idea of putting two Sea Harrier FRS1 fighters on an enlarged Type 43 destroyer design which was studied until the early 1980's. It turned out to be very uneconomic to carry just one or two STOVL fighters - the minimum economical number was six - and the project died away.

The Type 43 was a very ambitious 'double-ended' design with two twin Sea Dart and four Sea Wolf launchers. The line drawing shows how much the appearance of modern warships has been changed by the advent of multifunction phased-array radars.

This Type 43 had:
two Type 1030 STIRs (Surveillance and Target Indication Radar) for Sea Dart,
two Type 967 target indication radars for Sea Wolf,
four Type 909 Sea Dart guidance radars and
two Type 910 Sea Wolf guidance radars.

Now a multifunction radar like APAR can perform all target indication and guidance tasks, though backed up by a 3D volume search radar in surveillance.


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